Hybrid Teamwork

Achieving Big Bold Goals: Thriving in a Hybrid Environment

Hybrid is fast becoming the most talked-about business model globally. But what does it mean? And more importantly – how do you excel in leading and working in a hybrid team?

In this interactive workshop, we will explore the main concepts for thriving in a hybrid environment including the role of communication and how mode and frequency contribute to high-performing teams. We will also explore the concept of “deep work” and how to become productive during your work hours. 

180 Minute Virtual Workshop or 240 Minute In-Person Workshop

Work from home has provided everyone with a new challenge, and while most people appreciate the ability to work from home, the discipline to do so can still be a challenge. In this workshop, we provide tips and techniques for thriving while working from home.

This highly interactive workshop focuses on the 3 main pillars of success in working in a hybrid model – Communication, Managing Multiple Priorities, and Motivation.

Participants will have an opportunity learn the latest techniques from neuroscience to assist them in getting more done in less time as well as explore methods, modes and frequency in communication and how the communication choices we make contribute to the effectiveness and happiness of our teams.

Take Aways:

  • Develop effective communication techniques to keep you and your team engaged and motivated

  • Change happens in the calendar – learn to shape habits that increase success

  • Swerving distractions – how to get more done in less time

  • How to become more engaged, motivated and productive while working in a hybrid environment

Who is this for

This session is designed for both leaders and team members.

180 Minute Virtual Workshop or 240 Minute In-Person Workshop

This is a highly interactive workshop. Be ready to assess your day-to-day activities, practice your communication style and develop a practical plan to get more done in less time

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”The best feedback we’ve ever had”

Eisai Pharmaceutical

“Scored 29.25 out of 30 on your Big Bold Goals programme delivered online in June 2021 for 18 leaders across our client base”

Excellence Squared Academy

“There is a reason that we continue to build our relationship and give you more projects - it is THAT good. We can trust that you will deliver nothing less than a quality product”

Johnson and Johnson

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